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Self –reliance

时间:2016年05月12日 00:00    来源:    作者:郭子晗    阅读:

Self –reliance


Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I think you will have a good time and enjoy my speech——Self –reliance.

Everyone who comes to the world has their own master. As we all know, everyone is one and only. So people should live a colorful life and make every day meaningful just like a snail. Long long ago, a baby snail asked his mother, "Why was I born with a shell? It was so hard and heavy." His mother said, "Because we don't have bones. We can only crawl and move slowly. So we have got a shell to protect us. " Her baby asked again, "The caterpillar has no bones either, and she can't move quickly ,either. Why can she do without a shell? " The mother snail answered, "That's because a caterpillar will become a butterfly. She flies high to the sky. The sky can protect her". Her baby had another question, "But the earthworm crawls like us. He has no bones. And he can't turn into a butterfly. Why doesn't he carry a hard, heavy shell? " His mother said, "He can drill a hole, get into the ground. The ground can protect him. " The baby snail burst into tears . "What a pity! We have no protection either from the sky or from the ground. " His mother comforted him, "That's why we have a shell. We needn't count on the sky or the ground for protection. We rely on ourselves. " So,what can we learn from the snail? How about you? Remember this key word: self-reliance. Don’t rely on your mom and any other family members. Be the person you pursue to be! Just do it!

Do you remember this song? ” Believe me I can fly, I’m proud that I can fly.” I believe in myself and I rely on myself. Do you believe in yourself?

OK, thank you for listening, that's all.