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Social Communications

时间:2004年02月26日 00:00    来源:    作者:黄光仁    阅读:

Social Communications




Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How do you do?--- How do you do?

How are you? Fine,thank you./I am OK.

How are you doing? --- Very well, thank you.

Nice/Glade/Please to meet/see you.

Please say hello to your parents.--- Sure.

Please give my love/best wishes to Lucy.--- All right.


My name is Jim.

I am a student.

I am from China.

This is Mr./Mrs./Miss/MS Jairus.

I would like to meet Bob.

May I introduce Professor Jeff Brown?


Good-bye/bye/ Bye-bye.

Good night.--- Good noght.

See you later/them/tomorrow/soon.---see you.

I am afraid I must be leaving now.